Sunday, February 1, 2009

Newest Work in progress!

OK so here is the updated image... Hope you like it!!

Well here I am learning new technology and actually posting on the new Darin Ashby Art blog. I guess I am feeling pretty hip after my experience with Facebook! Well, I thought this could be a great spot to preview my newest works and leave a few thoughts about just what it is that I am up to these days! Who knows... maybe someone will read it. If not, well then I will enjoy learning more about... well,... myself!
You will see here the newest addition to my works and how fitting that it would be the "newest addition". Well, I need some input on names as to what I will call this print... so... for any of you that seem to somehow stumble onto this blog,... please reply with your thoughts and ideas for a name. Let's make this interesting by awarding the creator of the name of this print... an artists proof signed to you... of this print! A contest of sorts... and of course lets not forget the legal terms of "void where prohibited by law" and "some one will really win a print we promise" type of fancy talk. Let's put the deadline for entries as Friday the 13th of February. Please submit your ideas for the official first darin ashby art print naming contest ever and see what you come up with. Sound fun?!?! Good!! This should be fun... and if it isn't,... then don't participate!

As you can see (or maybe not... ) this print is still in the works and will hopefully be completed and off to the printer by the end of the week. I will do my best to do that and you can watch the website to see when it is available to preorder... hopefully by tomorrow!! And for those of you who know me and want information... hey, just give me a call!

Thanks for entering my contest and we'll chat again real soon. By the way, I have decided to do several children's images over the next month that will be dedicated specifically to help offset the medical costs for our little Dakota's challenges. All proceeds will go directly to her and be earmarked for her treatments and well being. So, donate to a very good cause... and get a really cool print signed by me to you! What could be better?!? For those of you who don't know anything about Dakota,... please check with my wife's blog at


  1. Darin, You have such a talent, I am just in AWE. When I look at this picture, I think, "Sweet Contentment" or "Precious Slumber" so I guess there are my suggestions.

    By the way...we miss you guys in the ward.

  2. Brian says to name it "Innocent Security"

    Okay, I know this is going to sound weird but when I look at the baby the blankets behind look like the baby is nestled into his mother's loving face with her hair coming around his back so I'm going to play on the word "face" with both of the "faces" face to face and so I'm going to say........."Peace in the face of New Beginnings".

  3. Hey Darin... this is another real beauty! I'll throw out a few names, just for the heck of it;

    -Celestial Connection
    -'Twixt Heav'n and Earth
    -Light From Above
    -Eternity Embodied
    -Born Yesterday

    Nice Work (a compliment, not a name, though I guess you could use it as a name, if you want to)

  4. Hi Darin,
    Amy told me about finding a name for the picture. I went to your web-site first and "wow" I am so impressed with what I saw. Each one of them created such as strong feeling when I looked at them. That is a special gift that you bring to your art.

    I have thought all day about the picture and some of the names I have come up with are:

    On consignment
    Consignment from God
    Ultimate Trust.
    Perpetual Hope,
    Partners with God
    A new Promise
    Esteemed Perfection

    Some of these might seem a little far out but each has a special meaning. Now that I know where to find you I will be checking back.
    Karma, I belong to Amy and Kim.

  5. I LOVE all the names people have suggested so far!

    But I have to share with you Ken's choice, and he knows it's not marketable, but thought you'd get a laugh over it:

    Obama's Nemesis

    Yeah, that's what Ken's VERY first thought was!

    Welcome to the blogging world!

  6. Hey, this is KEN - now for some serious and maybe perplexing suggestions since I don't know what you were thinking or feeling when doing this piece :

    "Dear Heavenly Father..."
    "Dear God..."
    Innocent Death
    Welcome to Earth
    Goodbye Earth
    Celestial Dreams
    Life in Death
    "We Are Here"
    Death of Innocence
    ...No Matter How Small.
    God's Chosen
    Universal Atonement
    I'll see what else comes to mind.

  7. Ok, here are a few of my names....
    Fleeting Moment
    Just a Whisper
    A Gift
    MY Choice
    Soft Slumber
    My Precious
    Angel sans Wings

    Good Work Darin!
    -Lynda Peck

  8. Babies don't keep
    Borrowed from above
    Beanie Baby
    A tiny peace of heaven
    My Little Everything
    In His Image
    by small and simple things
    Shhhhhhhhweetie Pie

  9. Home Sweet Home
    Afternoon nap
    Simple Pleasures
